this is what facebook tells me.. it lies.. Right now i feel somewhat friendless because I haven't got very far from my house in 2 days. My sickness has escalated into something more and now it's just a pain! I'm gonna head to the hosptial tomorrow to try and get some antibiotics for this crazy sickness..started with a headache and stuffy nose, then escaladed into light-headedness, intense body aches, stomach pains, soar throat and a loss of voice! gah what a welcome to argnetina. I'm trying to see the good in this but its hard when i see all my other friends pictures from study abroad and they are in sunny flowery fields and i'm a concrete mall and can't go anywhere. I dont really know how I got to be such a "country mouse" but i'm pretty positive i NEED to live on a farm, with at least one goat, and hopefully a horse or two at some point..and Of course a border collie. anyways.. the city is nice its just hard to see the lord at work here. People i feel like are so focused on going out at night and moving up in the world that it just makes me feel stuck. i just feel like theres alot of people searching here..i felt like i came to a nice reminder the other day while playing soccer..the whole reason I camer here, have invested so much time in spanish is to be able to communicate and be joyous with people of other cultures. I suppose I wasn't ready for the culture shock of the large city and was envisioning my cute little towns of Nicaragua and Honduras. Unfortunately I feel like I haven't bettered my spanish that much yet and am hoping that changes very quickly. The pace they speak at is just ridiculous! I honestly think I will just need to move to central america for an extended period of time and that will fix my language barrier :) maybe one day. i miss my friends and the comforts of america..fresh fast food even though that sounds like an oximoron.. Here they just have empanadas, pizza and meat..and its not usually on the go. I am beginning to appreciate being an american.. everyone is striving to learn OUR language because thats the one that matters. GOsh try and wrap your head around that. When I get discouraged about speakin spanish, i just remember I've already got a huge head start on alot of people. The other day while working at my pasantia where we read through newspapers and look for clients, i was reading an english newspaper and Adam was like.. why dont you just do that for a job-live in a spanish place and work at a spanish newspaper that writes american news..and be the editor or writer..interesting thought.anyways its time to get to sleep while i can still breath out of my nose and my throat isnt killing me. besos