so i havent gotten to adequately document my thoughts lately because things have just been a whirlwind here. I'll try and recall as much as i can but you won't get the juicy, long, excessive details like usual :) (I know someone is thankful about that). ANYways, I have finally begun to feel better with the exception of some small stomach problems but I will take that over what it was. I went out on tuesday morning and felt like a new person..sickness just plays with your mind and your outlook on everything. I admire those who are really actually sick and still have positive outlooks because that's one of the hardest barriers to pass..the bad outlook barrier haha SO i've really grown to enjoy my 30 minute bus ride both to my internship and back from school..the days are long.8 to 5 Or 8 some nights. At my pasantia (internship) we just chat and do whatever we want..most times we slightly work and mostly chat but its a great environment to learn. The kid who works with me from my group is a huge jokester and even does it in spanish..bold. I just shake my head and stick to what i know..we love to share music and favorite artists with the boys we work with..its fun to show them what we like and where we live via google photos. I have gotten my routes and more importantly STOPS down pat..earlier this week i wasnt thinking, went and got on bus 92 when i was supposed to get on 110.. my peso wasnt working so the guy didnt make me pay and that was lucky because i got off 4 mins later and switched buses.. i caught myself walking to bus 110 yesterday when i needed 92... i just have gotten all mixed up but i think now..finally..after 3 weeks i'm confident with stops and such. WE had tango this week and progressed some in our abilities..basically theres not enough boys so the girls dance with the girls and thats just silly..they also dont play music that matters so its more or less just a basic "getting the steps down" kind of thing and i'm ready for some MUSICA! The other day on the bus, a lady next to me randomly did the catholic forehead to chest, arm to arm thing and I felt compelled to say something to her.. so i said "tu estas catolica" which means "you're catholic?" and she didnt understand i guess because of my accent, so i repeated it a couple of times and then she understood. I thought maybe she had just seen someone with like a bad outfit on and was like Oh Jesus..and did the sign BUT gabriel at my pasantia told me that when they pass a church you do it.. makes sense now :) Gabby says he's religious and Omar said he's definitely not. Adam is a strong non-beleiver and there's been some intense convos among him and the gay-christian he rooms with. There's an extremely interesting dynamic of people on this trip..two outlandish yet classy black girls, one crazy very confident girl black girl who was a stripper, some feminine males, a couple regular boys, adam who you cant beleive one word as true bc its always a joke, david who is a smooze and is exactly like JOhn Paul, and then the rest are pretty regular characters. BUT i have to mention this one kid.Justin..from jefferson or an hour south of augusta. He has the funniest laugh ever because it sounds sooo nervous..he also says ridiculous things like..when theres hurt dogs in my town we call them ray charles..thats not to be offensive but that is what this kid says.. "My family just calls them this...." there are many justin moment when we're all in awe of the crazy things that come out of his mouth, not meaning to be entertaining but that are so very funny. On monday I went to the dr. and taught the dr. a new word.. stuffed up because he didnt know what that meant and he spoke english. The moneda crisis is getting worse and worse for me because i can never keep enough on me to last a day..because 3 buses a day is a lot of monedas... also, one must understand that NO ONE besides a legit store like a supermarket will break 100 pesos..which mind you is only like $20 american dollars.. they dont even like 50 peso bills or $20 peso bills.. i mean its ridiculous.. you want to buy something thats $2 pesos and you hand them a 10 and they ask for something smaller.. or you buy something thats 3 pesos and instead of giving you a moneda back, they hand you a piece of candy and send you on your way.. i mean reallY?! anyways, for this, i've walked strategically into the kiosks and looked at what is very oddly priced so i can get as many monedas as i can.. problem with this is you have to buy stuff everyday and constantly spend money!
man.. lets see what else has happened..some of my friends have gotten skype so i've enjoyed talking to people other than just the regulars :)..which i love talking to but to hear a good friends voice is just awesome. I am at a loss of memories for wed and thursday but i'm sure they will come at some point. We had our first test this week.. as well as a paper due everyday we didnt have a test so thats probably why i havent posted in a while. Fridays are fieldtrip days though so today we went in the city. First though, on our way from the internship, we were waiting on the bus at a light and i could see down the road ahead that people were gawking at something..looking up at an apt and down at the road..up and down.. we passed by on the bus and noticed a shape that looked strikingly similiar to an outline of a person...on the ground.. put two and two together, the guy apparently jumped out of the apt and was muerte (dead) on the ground.. the police walked over and grabbed his shoe that was a couple feet away and put it with his it was a strange feeling to walk by and experience that.. one block from my school however everyone was just carrying on with their business right there and everywhere. that shook us up a little and adam and i were talking about ways to go and what leads you to that point..its just sad. We got some good food today, not empanadas, not chinese but i got a chicken panini!!! it was great just a little burnt :) we walked to abasto, and toured some museum about someone gardel, one of the fathers of tango.. it was cool and then we went to the abasto supermarket which is now a really fancy mall. we went to freddo, to get ice cream and it was awesome.. chocolate suizo con americana is the best! so after our class ate (our professor didnt come bc she had hurt her leg so one of the TA's came and another professor from GA named Gary) I was asking gary about a good place to shop and he needed to see my map so i got it out. Gary, Anita and I were at a small circular table and gary had his computer case in a chair that was touching his leg. We were talking about where a street was and about 30 seconds later, looked up and gary started to FREAK out.. his computer was GONE! hes a professor here so all the students stuff was on there and now its adios. Seriously though i dont know how the ladron (thief) did it because we weren't face down in the map.. just looking at it.. the comp case/brief case was in all of our periffiel visions but whatever..crap happens and I was paranoid after that. I went to the atm, got some sweet pesos out, and took my position waiting at the bus stop. I started talking to a sweet old women and we chatted for a while. She talked really slow in spanish and i dont know if it iwas just because i look like i need that or what.. it was fun though! I got home and was able to relax for a while which was great after a crazy week. I'm headed to URUGUAY tomorrow..colonia and then montevideo. I hear that uruguayan pesos are like 7 times the amount here...not in worth but amount needed to buy a meal is a couple hundred pesos.. ahh another coonversion to master. but, its time for bed and i gotta pack! chau for now
11 years ago