The Ability Garden at the New Hanover County Arboretum is a one of a kind place. Horticulturist Phyllis Meole uses her love of plants to bring joy to people. As mentioned int he earlier post, greenery brings joy, at least more than "brownery" does :) Phyllis commented that horticulture therapy "brings people and plants together, and puts that connection together for those who may not already make that connection.”
I know in my experiences as horticulture minor, people love and I mean LOVE plants. Another reason to keep them by your desk or in your house is not just for the color, but the benefits. Not only can plants be used to provide therapy to others, but therapy to yourself!
Seeing as how World Health Day was on April 7th, you should know a thing or two about helping yourself out, which ultimately helps the world. What I'm getting at is this: plants help everyone. Check it out- a study in Holland was done concluding that surrounding your workspace with plants will clean the air which helps keep everyone more alert. Also, if you happen to be stuck in front of a computer for four hours or more a day, having plants in a close vicinity will help keep your concentration focused.
So because plants help you focus, they help you to be more productive, which makes everyone happier. Plants can also increase your creativity according to another study done in the States.
The researchers found that pulse rates and blood pressure – two of the physical signs of stress – were both reduced for delegates working in planted surroundings. Green is the number one calming color, so why not surround yourself in calm.
The press release on creating a green oasis says this, "plants also help to clean the air we breathe indoors which can be more polluted than the air outdoors. How? Well all those plastics used to make electrical equipment, soft furnishings, carpets, cleaning commodities and even personal hygiene products omit VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) some of which are recognized as carcinogenic. Plants absorb these pollutants and turn them into food for themselves." Interesting stuff huh?
What more reasons do you need to put plants in your workplace/house?? You will improve the over-all well being of those who come to visit and yourself.
I'm if I already wasn't.
11 years ago