Tuesday, April 27, 2010

UGA legend- Dr. Armitage

You can find him rushing to and fro between the Miller Plant Science building, the greenhouse and the UGA Horticulture Trial Gardens. If you catch him in between one of these places, which is very hard to do, he will most certainly be wearing his large brimmed beige hat from Tiley Endurables.

Dr. Armitage, if you don't already know, is a legendary horticulturalist that the University of Georgia is proud to call their own (for now that is).Originally from Canada, Dr. Artmitage attained his B.Sc from MacDonald College of McGill University, Quebec, his M.Sc. from University of Guelph, Ontario and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University.

Dr. Armitage's list of accolades goes way beyond his schooling.Most recently,Dr. A, as his students call him, published a new book on vines called "Armitage's Vines and Climbers: A Gardener's Guide to the Best Vertical Plants". This is just one of the many books he's written on plants.A horticulturalist with writing skills is hard to come by but Dr. Armitage has bridged the gap between master gardener and beginner for many readers.

His motive behind writing 13 or so books is simply his love of sharing information with those who want to know it. He comments,"writing a book is unlike anything I’ve every done." He went on to explain the difficulty of finishing a task such as writing a book with a quote from Confucius. Some of Dr. A's other books include Armitage’s Native Plants for North American Gardens, Herbaceous Garden Perennials, a Treatise of Identification, Culture and Garden Attributes,Armitage’s Garden Perennials, Armitage’s Manual of Annuals, Biennials and Half Hardy Perennials to name a few. To view a complete list of his works take a look here.

In addition to being a wonderful author of horticulture books, he is a world renowned speaker. He's lectured all over the world on various topics within the horticulture arena. Another form of speaking he participates in daily is teaching. Dr. Armitage teaches a herbaceous perennials ID class and a greenhouse management class (both of which I happen to be in). He used to be a high school teacher and "was very good at it" he says. He continued with "what I do here is share information with you guys, most of whom want to learn it." He challeneges his students to dive and learn this information. A common plant axiom said by Dr. A is this "the more you know, the more you know you don't know." I've had the privilege to meet, learn from and work with this wonderful man. His love of plants is infectious, that's for sure.When asked why he does this, Dr. A commented simply, "I enjoy sharing."

As mentioned earlier, D. A is an author, a speaker, a professor, and a horticulturist with his own lines of plants, Athens Select. Dr. A's baby, the UGA Trial Gardens, has featured many plants specific to the hot and humid Athens climate. He's taken the best species and cultivars, according to his research, and made a plant line of the top performers for the Athens area

Dr. Armitage is not just a career minded person either. He recently participated in Dancing With the Stars- Athens style, where he was partnered with Liza Pitts. They competed together to raise money for Project Safe, a program benefiting abused and battered women. He proudly took the stage, a much different setting than he's use to, and performed for a great cause.Have a look.

Can you understand why Dr. A comes and leaves in a hurry now? Aside from all of these activities, Dr. A is a loving husband,a father of three, and a proud grandfather. Within all aspects of life, his outlook is the same- spread the joy you've been given. "I still have some juices left" was Armitage's statement about juggling all of his beloved activities. He's truly one of a kind and when you leave his presence, you take a little of his passion for life with you.

What did I tell you?

So if you've been reading my posts, you would've learned the other day about how useful and beneficial houseplants are- they help you stay focused, clean the air, and put you in a better mood. Well apparently, there's a new book out "How To Grow Fresh Air: 50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home Or Office" about all this and a wonderful article explaining it....take a look. Go ahead, get up and go buy a houseplant, you know you want to.

Aquaponics..yes please

Aquaponics- the new thing to do apparently. You may be familiar with an up and coming form of agriculture called hydroponics but this is taking it a step further.Basically it's the growing of fish and plants together in a soilless environment. The fish waste provides nutrients to the plants and the plants filter the water for the fish- sounds like a simbiotic relationship to me. Check it out at the Garden Rant blog Garden Rant.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

plants =therapy

The Ability Garden at the New Hanover County Arboretum is a one of a kind place. Horticulturist Phyllis Meole uses her love of plants to bring joy to people. As mentioned int he earlier post, greenery brings joy, at least more than "brownery" does :) Phyllis commented that horticulture therapy "brings people and plants together, and puts that connection together for those who may not already make that connection.”

I know in my experiences as horticulture minor, people love and I mean LOVE plants. Another reason to keep them by your desk or in your house is not just for the color, but the benefits. Not only can plants be used to provide therapy to others, but therapy to yourself!

Seeing as how World Health Day was on April 7th, you should know a thing or two about helping yourself out, which ultimately helps the world. What I'm getting at is this: plants help everyone. Check it out- a study in Holland was done concluding that surrounding your workspace with plants will clean the air which helps keep everyone more alert. Also, if you happen to be stuck in front of a computer for four hours or more a day, having plants in a close vicinity will help keep your concentration focused.

So because plants help you focus, they help you to be more productive, which makes everyone happier. Plants can also increase your creativity according to another study done in the States.

The researchers found that pulse rates and blood pressure – two of the physical signs of stress – were both reduced for delegates working in planted surroundings. Green is the number one calming color, so why not surround yourself in calm.
The press release on creating a green oasis says this, "plants also help to clean the air we breathe indoors which can be more polluted than the air outdoors. How? Well all those plastics used to make electrical equipment, soft furnishings, carpets, cleaning commodities and even personal hygiene products omit VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) some of which are recognized as carcinogenic. Plants absorb these pollutants and turn them into food for themselves." Interesting stuff huh?

What more reasons do you need to put plants in your workplace/house?? You will improve the over-all well being of those who come to visit and yourself.

I'm convinced...as if I already wasn't.

pack trials introduces new products into the world

well sad to say, pack trials is over. But many cool things happened at this wonderful "conference" of horticulture companies. For one, Proven Winners introduced their new calibrachoa Superbells Blackberry Punch.

Some of the most memorable products launched according to attendees, were: Black Velvet petunia from Ball FloraPlant; Magnum New Guinea impatiens from Dummen; the “heirloom hybrid” patio tomatoes from Floranova’s Vegetalis division; Gryphon begonia from PanAmerican Seed (grown for its foliage, not its flowers); Superbells Blackberry Punch petunia from Proven Winners (women were telling them, “I wear that color!”); the Dragon series of vegetative snaps at Ecke; a crisp white iberis called Masterpiece from Jaldety; and the Garvinia perennial gerbera series at Northern Innovators to name a few.

so who cares about all these new plants? chances are the average joe wouldn't know the difference between a brand new plant and one that's been around for 20 years. While that my be true, plants have a huge impact on us every day whether we realize it or not. A recent study done by the Dutch reported that "People living near gardens, parks and other green spaces have lower rates of anxiety, depression and poor physical health than those living in urban areas."

Think back to our recent winter days of brown trees and cold temperatures, was that not depressing? But now that you can go outside and appreciate all the greenery, if nothing else in life, makes it ten times better for most.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

spring has sprung..and that means PACK TRIALS!

spring is here if you haven't noticed..with everything being yellow, how can you not notice. Crazy things happen in spring when it comes to flowers and it's just awesome. Also with spring,comes the Pack Trials. Every year, growers from all over the world get together in California to peruse each others greenhouses and chat about what's new in the horticulture world. The trials are in California but are broken up into 3 categories due to its large following : northern, central and southern. Participating in the Northern Trials are: Goldsmith/Syngenta Flowers, Headstart Nursery, Pacific Plug & Liner, Speedling, Inc.,Golden State Bulb Growers, American Takii. In the Central Trials are:Dümmen USA, Inc.Greenheart Farms,Floranova, Imagination Canyon Greenhouse, Ball Horticultural Company, GroLink Plant Company, Inc. , Island View Nursery, Fides North America. Lastly but not least, the Southern Trials include:Proven Winners, Plug Connection, Ecke Ranch.

Here's Grower Talks suggested agenda for this one of a kind event:

Friday, April 9
Fly from Chicago O’Hare to San Jose (closer and generally cheaper than San Francisco).

Lodging - Gilroy (two nights)
Dinner - Central Texan barbecue in Castroville. Our only chance to eat here, so we aren’t going to miss it!

Saturday, April 10
8:30 am Golden State Bulb Company
10:30 am Pacific Plug & Liner (Agrexco group of companies)
2 pm Goldsmith/Syngenta

Sunday, April 11
9 am Danziger/Oro Farms
10:30 am Speedling
2 pm Takii

Drive South to the central trials area.

Lodging - Pismo Beach

Monday, April 12
8 am Dümmen USA
10:30 am Greenheart
1 pm Floranova
4 pm Island View

Lodging - Ventura (two nights)

Tuesday, April 13
8:30 am Imagination Canyon
11 am Fides
1 pm Ball

Dinner - we’ll play it by ear.

Wednesday, April 14
8 am GroLink
2 pm Plug Connection

Lodging - Encinitas (two nights)

Thursday, April 15
8 am Proven Winners
2 pm Ecke Ranch

Friday, April 16
Fly home from San Diego or Orange County.

All this in six days - 18 stops, and at least 45 displaying companies/divisions ... “What could possibly go wrong?” - from Grower Talks Magazine

So bascially what happens at these Pack Trials is growers debute their new products, new varieties, new plants and brokers or buyers from other companies take note of that new product so they can offer it to their customers. I'd like to compare it to say a debute party. Everyone invited gets to see what's new before anyone else in the world. They also can buy what they want of it and start to offer the new product before anyone else does. So this is a really exciting week for the horticulturists of the world! Get your sunglasses and hats and head out to CA to see it unfold.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

i want to be retired...

ok so i went to my grandparents place this past weekend...they live in a active adult community in st. augustine fl and its amazing. I went to work out at their gym and it was silent, complete with one other person. Beautiful facilities...but no one to use them. i guess they were too busy relaxing :) it made me think how I want to impliment relaxation in my life everyday. I'm not very good at it so far as this week has been SUPER BUSY. oh well, maybe tomorrow?