so this may, i'm taking a religion class..thank you Grady which needs all my core classes COMPLETE to apply. BUT THEN.. i'm headed to Buenos Aires Argentina for 2 more spanish classes. One spanish class will be in the classroom, 4010 Advanced conversational and written Spanish, and the other is a practicum in service learning which means I'll be working at a company, non-profit, or school and get credit for it. Basically I'm super excited about going but, like everyone, am in a pinch for money. During exams week, I got an email about a scholarship stipend program that allows study abroad students to work for 50 hours at 10/hour to help out with the program cost (or whatever else you need it for). Thankfully, I got this job and all the paperwork is done! I start monday working at the immigration services office in DT athens..WOO. So, For the next 3 weeks, I will work hard for tha money, and study hard for an A... then off to ARGENTINA! keep up with me if you'd like :)