well the trend continues..chaos is eminent, for me at least. Yesterday we walked to school..about 30 blocks which equates to an hour total. The Argentinians are up early, spraying the sidewalks in front of their stores and doing business instantaneously. The men here are typically dressed very nice, at least the ones out at 8 oclock am are. Once arriving to the Universidad de Palermo, we went on a city tour which lasted about 3 hours. We went to the extremely coloful barrio, La boca where its just as touristy as Hilton Head...but also very dangerous at night or by yourself. The houses are painted with old yet very bright shipyard paint to give it a new feel. I'm not sure when this all happened but its awesome as the rest of BA is a concrete mall. We also drove through the slums and it was very, very disheartening but every big city has them. The highlight of the day was probably lunch in which we feasted on a gourmet buffet FOR FREE and got free refills (something thats super hard to come by here since everything is in bottles). When I say free, i mean we already paid for it in the program cost :) Anyways, after about a 3 hour meal/hang out, we continued back to the school where we had orientation. We were all dozing off by then as it had been a super long day already. After orientacion, we went looking for adapters and "transformers" so we could charge our electronics without melting them due to the different voltage. We also stopped by a fruit stand and the supermarket for some cheap wine and sprite (that we have yet to have time for).All that took about an hour and 1/2 and then finally, we hailed a radio taxi, the safe ones, and a nice man named Oscar took us home. A nice hot shower was super welcomed after a crazy day in the city and Isabel's gnochi and tomatoes hit the spot. She made us a great salad and dessert was vanilla pudding with oreos. Something strange I've noticed is that we never see her eat and she will sit down with us, but doesnt eat! I asked her about it and she said she usually just has some tea or something small. The crazy part is they dont really eat breakfast either so I dont know how they do it. After dinner I decided to read and ended up falling asleep super early and then mozzied (I've never spelled this word before..) on back to bed. This morning kasey, my roomate, needed the keys and after my eyes had seen the light, I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the fact that I was sooo hungry so I decided to get up and eat and then a little later, went back to sleep. Today I didn't have class until 1 and so I took it easy with Isabel (our mom). A testament to how smart our subconscious is: I had a dream that I was in my exact room now, and woke up to check my watch and it was 1... so i was scrambling to get ready and thought I would have to take a taxi.. basically I was freaking out about missing my first day of class.... well then I really wake up and its only 11 and I was fine! So I figure out how to call my moms patient Lily who's here studying as well and finally get in touch with her. It was time to go so I threw my things together, got directions and headed out to catch the collectivo solo. I walk 3 blocks away and get on bus 92...but it was going the wrong way, so I get off immediately and cross the street and do the same thing, this time going the right way. Thankfully a student got on behind me and noticed my destination and motioned it was his too. So when he saw me getting nervous near time to get off, he motioned when the right one was.. then walked me to the universidad and I was so greatful. HOwever, once going up the elevator to my floor, I realized it was the wrong building (since there's 5 to choose from) and went down to the street again. I was SOOO releived to see my friends outside the building eating emapanadas and didn't care that I was already 10 mins late. I decided to eat some lunch and chill for just a minute after such an exhausting ride. Class was good, we basically just talked about where we live and how we got to school. I think it'll be a super enjoyable class especially since we have field trips every friday (educational of course). After class, Adam, Carrie, and I met Anne to go to our internship (pasantia) at Colombo Pashkus. Business's are so strange here becuase they hid behind beaten up garage doors but inside they're super nice. So we speak to a box who someone lets us in :) were we met a stout little man dressed very nicely who let us up to the interviewing room. We chatted a little while in spanish (which got our heads spinning) and then one of the executives came in dressed to the nines. He chatted with us for a little while about our majors and past experiences and then decided it was time to talk in english. Anne stood up for our spotty spanish saying that we'd only been there for 3 days and mostly what we've studied is how to write and read. We got a nice tour of the place and Patricio explained that there are 2 branches of Colombo Pashkus: one is showbiz (like opening night, management for actors and actresses, models ect.) and one is for corporations. We met all 30 of the people who work there and then went to the first floor where we will reside (in clippings). He explained this to be similiar to going through magazines and picking out where the companies have been represented and cutting them out..sounds great :) ANyways, we tried to find our way home and it wasn't working, so we just took a cab. Dinner was great tonight, Eggplant, tomatoes and sausage..and of course bread salad and dessert. I had to do some homework about how to get from my school to my internship and then home and tell her multiple ways to do so. Basically I have to take the crazy bus everywhere or walk. ANyways, thats a wrap form the past two days, i apologize for the length of these posts, theres just so much to tell! They talk with such a thick accent its hard to understand but I'm working on it.
Chau for now!